I'm having one of those weeks where I am so thankful. I try my best to always be grateful for what I have been blessed with, but lately, I'm just extra thankful. We can always look around and find plenty that we don't have or wish we had. This place is not perfect and never will be, but wow, take a quick look at what you do have! I am thankful for one incredible husband who loves me every day and somehow likes me best in my ponytail, t-shirt and shorts. He supports me so fully in my business adventures and asks me daily about your orders. I'm thankful for 3 really sweet girls who keep me busy and laughing! I am currently teaching my "big girls" for pre-school and they are at the most precious age of learning. I am a former 3rd grade teacher so teaching has a special place in my heart. I'm also thankful for Wednesdays when I get to send my little ducks away! ;) My parents take the girls every Wednesday so I can devote the full day to Sweet Peach Paperie. It renews me as a momma, gives me a chance to pour into something I so enjoy and allows me to help my family in multiple ways.

So, just know that I'm thankful for you and your following. Your sweet emails mean so much to me, especially the ones that include "LOVE!!!" and twenty explanation marks. I know in the big scheme of things that parties and paper goodies are not important, but when it allows you to have fun and make the day really special for someone else... then I think it is worth it!
Have a fun day! Photos by
Katie Davidson Photography
such SWEET pictures of you with your girls! Katie did a great job & those are some FABULOUS dresses might I add!