I can't believe it is August!!! My babies will be 3 years old in 3.5 weeks! When they say kids grow up so fast, it's true!! Get through the first 6 months and then all of a sudden time starts to fly! Makes me a bit sad, but at least we have a fun party to plan and time to celebrate my precious girls!
So I've started collecting. I highly recommend you pick a party theme a few months early so you have time to shop clearance bins and keep your party from costing the big bucks! My stash has increased greatly since I took this picture last week, but thought you might like to see a few of my bargains. My dining room table is always covered leading up to the girls' party. It gets them so excited and maybe me too! ;)

My first need was to find some classic ice cream dishes for our ice cream parlor. When I shared the girls' party theme, one of my sweet customers and new friends offered her ice cream soda glasses to borrow! Fabulous!! If you need some, they can be bought at Kroger. I had the red and white paper straws from the vintage red wagon shower I gave back in January so I pulled those out for our root beer floats. Our party colors are red, aqua and light pink so I went through my ribbon to find just the right colors. If you need to purchase ribbon, I always buy mine at Hobby Lobby when it is 50%. The red buckets also came from Hobby Lobby's 66% off summer clearance. Definitely a benefit of having a birthday at the end of the summer. The red baskets came from Joann's summer clearance for $.25!! Love those for the kids' table. I grabbed the red napkins out of the Fourth of July clearance at Walmart. Why solid red goes on clearance I don't know, but I'll take it! IBC root beer has also been on sale lately at Kroger and Publix so I went ahead and stocked up. My favorite steal of all is the red striped fabric from Ikea! I went looking for certain platters I've been wanting and had no luck. I decided to stop by the fabric on my way out and I'm sooo glad I did! It made my trip all worth it! Super cheap fabric (way cheaper than the same fabric I was just about to order online) and they gave me over a yard free since it was the end of the bolt! LOVE IT!! We'll see what fun things I can craft up!!
So party planning is in full swing! I know the girls' can't quite appreciate all the details just yet, but they are getting there. In the meantime, this is so fun for their momma!! :)